Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Week 5, Paper's future

I do agree with the authors view that paper/printed matter is becoming a thing of the past unfortunately. I love to read and there is nothing like cracking open a book and the feeling of getting lost in a story. I do this to step out side of my own life, for information purposes, and to keep up to date with current/world events. I agree that newspapers are becoming a thing of the past because there are not newsstands as far as the eye can see as when I was growing up. Every corner had a stand it seemed. I could however do with out the print of newspapers because of the waste factor. But literature I do not see it disappearing. I hope not anyway. The death of print will affect me personally because I love books. I have many, many boxes of books. I plan on having a room full of books as I saw once when in high school I was at a friends house. Her parents had one room totally dedicated to walls and walls of books and two fat comfortable chairs in which to read them. I was forever enthralled with the experience of reading. It is a pleasure and a luxury to be able to set and read.
As far as which one is more important, I believe that is equally important for children to read and listen.. They learn by both methods. I see this in my 9 month old son. He watches my mouth as I speak, sing or read to him. He also is almost always listening to me. He likes to look at his books as I read to him at suppertime as well. With the first graders that I tutor in reading, they read every night. The school system has not given up on books because it a very necessary part of their learning process. And they seem to enjoy every minute of watching,hearing and reading a story unfold.

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